Join the LIVE 30-Day Alcohol Experiment & Find the Freedom to be Uniquely YOU

(without sacrificing, struggling, or feeling like you’re ‘missing out’)

Join the LIVE 30-Day Alcohol Experiment & Find the Freedom to be Uniquely YOU

(without sacrificing, struggling, or feeling like you’re ‘missing out’)
Let’s Celebrate PRIDE Together!
The first PRIDE wasn’t a giant party… it was a RIOT for liberation! What better way to honor the tradition, than to do the same?
  • Let’s riot for liberation.
  • ​Let’s rebel against the social norms that say you have to drink to fit in.
  • ​Let’s reject the idea that alcohol makes you feel more yourself.
  • ​Let’s experiment together and find our BEST SELVES.
YOU. ARE. NOT. ALONE. This Naked Mind’s Community is over 400,000 strong and we’re PROUD to give you a giant, open-armed welcome into it!
The LIVE Pride 30-Day Experiment Enrollment Closes In:

It’s NOT Just About 30 Days in JUNE - It’s About LIFE

Whether an ally or part of the LGBTQ+ community, focusing on PRIDE for 30 days in June is just the beginning. The same is true for This Naked Mind’s LIVE 30-Day Alcohol Experiment. 

You want to be happier and healthier. You wonder what it would be like to feel more whole and fulfilled… but you’ve tried giving up alcohol before and it’s never worked for you. It’s JUST. TOO. HARD. 

 And if we’re getting down to the nitty gritty truth of life… you didn’t come this far to only go this far. 

You want to feel more FREE to be your whole, fulfilled, and best self…

But UNTIL NOW, it’s come at a high price. 

Our incredible coaches leading The Alcohol Experiment in June are all members of the LGBTQ+ community and know first hand the struggles leading to using alcohol to cope or ‘fit in’. 
We Get It
Not only do we understand, but we’re EQUIPPED with the only program in the world that effortlessly disconnects the emotional and subconscious ties you feel to alcohol, so you don’t even want it anymore!

That puts you back in the driver’s seat of life. YOU control your body. YOU decide what makes you feel the best, most authentic, healthiest version of yourself. 

That’s why, if you’ve ever felt a little sober curious, now’s your chance to test it out! 

And guess what?

It’s NOT like anything you’ve ever done before. You won’t -  
🙅🏽 Be asked to stop drinking. 
🙅🏻‍♀️ Have to sacrifice your social life. 
🙅🏼‍♀️ Struggle with cravings. 
🙅🏿‍♂️ Even miss out on anything!

So what do you say? Is it absurd to think of testing out the life you desire for just 30-days?
The LIVE 30-Day Experiment Enrollment Closes In:

Live Experiment Ticket Options

Digital Ticket

$97 $47 USD
  • DAILY Live Q&A Coaching
  • ​DAILY Life-Changing Videos
  • ​DAILY Reflections Journal
  • ​FUN & Lasting Relationships
  • ​A Powerful Community
  • ​Lifeline of Certified Coaches
  • ​A Brand New Platform
  • ​Lifetime Access

Digital Ticket +
Welcome Kit Mailer

$127 $47 USD
  • DAILY Live Q&A Coaching
  • ​DAILY Life-Changing Videos
  • ​DAILY Reflections Journal
  • ​FUN & Lasting Relationships
  • ​A Powerful Community
  • ​Lifeline of Certified Coaches
  • ​A Brand New Platform
  • ​Lifetime Access
  • ​Experiment Welcome Kit Mailer*
*While supplies last.
What You Get When You Join
DAILY Live Q&A Coaching
You’re NOT alone! Get real-time answers to your most pressing questions so you can stay in momentum, feel supported, and know you’ve got what you need to succeed 24/7.
DAILY Life-Changing Videos
This is where the magic happens! Our science-backed and compassion-led videos are sent to you each morning so you start your day empowered and ready to live in the power to choose!
DAILY Life-Changing Videos
This is where the magic happens! Our science-backed and compassion-led videos are sent to you each morning so you start your day empowered and ready to live in the power to choose!
DAILY Reflections Journal
Dig deep into your personal ah-has, insights, motivations, thoughts, and reminders when you use our custom reflections journal prompts to help you succeed AND enjoy the journey!
Encouraging & Powerful Community
Enjoy the most engaged, positive, and encouraging community on the planet! With unmatched grace, we support each other to move in the direction of the life we desire. 
Lifeline of Certified Coaches
​Your TNM Coaches and Mentors are your lifeline of accountability, and support. Each one is trained (and has a heart) to be your ‘plus one’ on the road to success.
FUN & Lasting Relationships
Make lasting, life-changing relationships, and have a ton of FUN doing it! We’re just like you, experimenting with becoming our best selves. You’re in good company!
Lifetime Access
Return to the content over and over again with lifetime access to the archived group, daily training inside your private membership area so you can achieve lasting success.

Embrace Curiosity

CURIOSITY (sprinkled in necessity) is the mother of invention. And as a community, there’s no one who embraces curiosity better the LGBTQ+ community!

What better way to celebrate PRIDE, curiosity and freedom in the month of June than to join our LIVE 30-day Alcohol Experiment?

Experience the difference over 400,000+ others did and - 

🌈 Rewire your brain to no longer desire the next drink
🌈 Embrace self-care and self-love without rules
🌈 Get healthier and feel better in your own skin
🌈 Improve sleep and decrease stress and anxiety
🌈 Feel happier and more authentic
🌈 Try something new and fun
🌈 Become the author of your own life and decide what role alcohol plays

So if you’re even just a teeny, tiny bit curious about discovering a happier, healthier, more authentic YOU withOUT sacrificing your social life, struggling through cravings, or feeling like you’re missing out - 

We invite you to join The LIVE Pride 30-Day Alcohol Experiment now!
The LIVE 30-Day Experiment Enrollment Closes In:

Over 400,000+ Already Live in the Power to Choose

Day 60 Alcohol Free
"Day 60 Alcohol Free. Just did karaoke sober. Didn’t know that was possible. It has always finished very messily in the past - e.g. passing out on the pavement in my own vomit, police threatening to arrest me etc. I had even given myself permission to have one cocktail (to loosen the vocal chords you understand?). But after looking through the menu just didn’t fancy anything! Stuck with tap water all night. Now on the train heading home, looking forward to waking up tomorrow with a clear head, money in my pocket, my dignity (if you ignore the singing) and probably a sore throat. The Alcohol Experiment is incredible.Thanks everyone for your support."

Day 14  Alcohol Free
"After many years of sleeping in on the weekends to combat a hangover I have to say being up at 6:30, feeling refreshed, is awesome! 14 Days Alcohol Free. It is almost 10:00 am and I feel productive already with a full day ahead of me. I feel genuinely and naturally happy!My 16 year old came and sat in bed with me while I did some computer stuff and she did homework. We then did a little online Christmas shopping. Thank you Annie Grace! The Alcohol Experiment was exactly what I needed to get me over the hump of not having the willpower to do this. Now I just have a lack of desire for alcohol!"

Day 71 Alcohol Free
"About to celebrate my first sober Halloween in probably 18 years. I’ve been dreading this day (I’m 71 days Alcohol Free and this was going to be my biggest obstacle… I thought), but then I woke up this morning genuinely excited about it. I get to make memories with my kids that I will actually, ya know, like, remember. And I don’t have to worry about a late night of drinking which will lead to me feeling like crap tomorrow. This is going to be an excellent Halloween."

Day 26 Alcohol Free
Day 24 of the Alcohol Experiment and day 26 Alcohol Free. I had gone AF for over three months, then went on vacation. I was positive alcohol would make it better. I was wrong and I fell back into the alcohol trap. I have escaped again with the help of Annie’s This Naked Mind and The Alcohol Experiment. I feel amazing and I am looking forward to continuing my life without stupid, stinky booze. Sending strength and congrats to all, no matter where you are in your journey. <3

Frequently Asked Questions
I’ve tried 30 day breaks before - why is this different?
The Alcohol Experiment contains medical, psychological, and physiological information relating to alcohol and addiction. This program is primarily intended for individuals with a psychological or emotional dependence to alcohol. It is not intended to be a substitute for medical or psychological treatment or evaluation. It is strongly recommended that you seek professional advice regarding your health before attempting to incorporate any advice enclosed into your life, especially if you have reached a point of physical dependence on alcohol.
What happens if I can’t make it for all 30 days?
We’ll help make it as easy as possible by giving you the tools and information that can make the process as smooth as possible. If you find that you can’t make the 30 days, then you’ll know where you stand and that is priceless. And the best part is that just by reading the information and watching the videos, The Alcohol Experiment will change your subconscious conditioning around alcohol. This will make it far easier to take whatever next step is best for you.
If I select to receive the mailer, how long will it take to come in?
We try our best to send your mailer within 3-5 business days! Mailers sent internationally could take longer.
What options are available if I decide I want to keep learning after the 30 days?
This Naked Mind has multiple additional programs that you can choose once the 30 days is over! If you are interested in learning more, there will be an opportunity to have a member of our team support you in finding the best program fit for you! 
Where does this program take place? 
The Live Alcohol Experiment daily lessons will take place in our brand new This Naked Mind Companion App.  This is our brand new membership and community platform that will host all of your content, events, and connect you with your coaches and peers.
Is there a book that goes along with The Alcohol Experiment?
Yes! You can find out more about my new book, The Alcohol Experiment on
Will I meet others going through the program?
Absolutely! We’ve seen so many relationships form between the people in the Alcohol Experiment in our online community. People all over the world are connecting in this program.
Have other questions about the LIVE 30 Day Experiment Challenge that aren’t answered here? Email us at:

What if the freedom you desire awaits you on the other side of this 30-day experiment?

The LIVE 30-Day Experiment Enrollment Closes In:

What The LIVE Pride 30-Day Alcohol Experiment Is NOT

This is not a sobriety or recovery program. Instead, this is an experiment. A rules-free, non-judgmental, fun way to experience 30-days without drinking so you can decide what you want your life to look like. Our program can, however, be a vital tool to help you change your drinking habits or even ‘stop drinking’ if that’s your goal. 

Just know, you’re never stuck, forced into decisions, or overwhelmed with permanency during The Experiment (even on day 30!).

We’re simply here to support you in an experiment - a chance to dip your toe in and see if you like how the water feels. 

When’s the last time you took 30-days just for YOU? Here’s your chance. 
The LIVE 30-Day Experiment Enrollment Closes In:

Meet Your Coaches

Lance Anthony Scott
Lance is a Bay Area Native and has lived in his beloved city of San Francisco, in the historic LGBTQ+ Castro District, since the early 1980’s. He is a visual artist, dance class hobbyist and avid hiker. In 2020, when This Naked Mind, and specifically the Live 30-Day Alcohol Experiment liberated him from what he calls the toxic trance of alcohol, he knew he wanted to support others in becoming free of the painful booze Matrix if they also longed for freedom, clarity and authentic joy, especially the queer community!
Kathleen Donnelly
I am a 59-year-old gay punk kitchen poet who's been married for over 36 years to my dear wife & continuously sober the last 26 years. After numbing-out for decades to survive feeling queer in all the ways, I was able to find lasting freedom through cobbling together tools for living a more meaningful, joyful life. I'm stoked to offer my coaching perspective to help my LGBTQIA+ community explore & transform our relationship with unhealthy habits & substances!
Soraya Arjan Odishoo
Soraya Arjan Odishoo (she/they) is a mixed race, queer artist based in New York City. Soraya's mission is to encourage folks who are struggling with substances or destructive behaviors towards embodying more empowered, informed decisions about their futures and to live into what is possible in their lives.
Jeff Bryson
After 25 years in the Hospitality/Service Industry in NYC Jeff has truly discovered the most profound and fulfilling way to be of service to others, as well as finally passionate and inspired everyday by the work he is doing. He has ditched the labels, the shame and the blame that unfortunately can be so commonplace in other recovery spaces.
Justin Morris
Justin has been alcohol free since 2020 after learning that alcohol is meaningless to a fulfilling life. Justin worked as a social worker at a high school for 10 years and often times found himself drinking with colleagues, friends and family to “deal" with the pressures of life and school. 
Darcy Rae Nolan
Darcy is a former sex worker turned postal worker living in Portland Oregon who had a work hard, play harder mentality and never wanted the party to end-even when the consequences started piling up. Still struggling after a stint in rehab and AA a friend gave her a copy of This Naked Mind and it changed her life forever. 
John Lewis
John's personal journey of becoming alcohol-free after 20 years of daily drinking inspired him to help others break free from alcohol and overcome limiting beliefs. As a coach, he specializes in empowering LGBTQAI++ individuals to embrace their authentic selves and live their best lives.
Michael Leeser
Michael is a coach and university professor in Florida (USA). He loves the outdoors, travel, training for triathlon events, and helping others see they are much more than the unwanted habits and self-doubt holding them back.
The LIVE 30-Day Experiment Enrollment Closes In:
The LIVE Pride 30-Day Alcohol Experiment is Brought to You By This Naked Mind
Our mission is to put you back in control by improving your relationship with alcohol and removing your desire to drink. This is done through a journey of facts, neuroscience, and logic throughout our various programs.

Through education and enlightenment based on the most recent insights across psychology and neuroscience, you are able to forever change your relationship – without pain, without rules, and without missing out.
Important: This program is not intended for individuals with a physical dependence on alcohol.
This program is not intended to be a substitute for medical or psychological treatment or evaluation. It is strongly recommended that you seek professional advice regarding your health before attempting to incorporate any advice from this program into your life, especially if you have reached a point of physical dependence. By participating in this program you agree to the  full terms and conditions.
The LIVE 30-Day Experiment Enrollment Closes In:

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